
How Economic Freedom Translates into Our Freedom

A government that prevents men from injuring one another will leave them free to regulate their activities of industry and improvement and does not take from the mouth of labor the bread that was earned. That is the sum of good government..." All levels of government have deviated from this principle. But this Jeffersonian truth is as actual today as it was in 1801. This is between Denmark and Great Britain. Capitalism. The needs of the individual in our society have been pushed aside to make way for our largest private corporations to graze on the government trough. This has...

Speed Reading: A Look at the Factors Hindering Speed Reading

You will agree that knowledge cannot be acquired in a vacuum. Books have always been essential materials for seeking and deepening understanding. Books are a perfect way through which people can improve their lives. A skilled reader with accumulated knowledge is always confident and does not shy away from discussions. However, speed reading is not something all of us are good at. What are some of the bad habits that make fast reading difficult? You will agree that there are several people whose primary goal is to read every word of a sentence. The downside is that they tend to...